A smiling, young, feminine-presenting student with long, dark hair and a medium skin tone, wearing a jacket with a pattern of white, orange and blue squares speaks with a masculine-presenting front desk staff member with a darker skin tone, in a UBC navy blue-coloured polo shirt, who is leaning forward attentively and holding his hand to his face, at the tə šxʷhəleləm̓s tə k̓ʷaƛ̓kʷəʔaʔɬ (The Houses of the Ones Belonging to the Saltwater) residence front desk in q̓əlɬaləməcən leləm̓ (Orca House). On the left is the back of another feminine-presenting person with dark, shoulder-length hair, wearing a green shirt, who is walking past the desk. On the right, behind the front desk, is a feminine-presenting person with a dark skin tone, who is smiling and laughing.

Your SHCS. Your plan.

How we got here


The process to create the SHCS People Plan began in August 2019, with a number of opportunities for SHCS Vancouver employees to share their voices through one-to-one conversations, an anonymous survey, which received a strong 48% response rate, and facilitated group discussions. Results from the 2017 UBC Workplace Engagement Survey (WES) were also taken into account.

Participants provided candid, thoughtful and valuable insights, enabling the development of the SHCS People Plan, which was designed to address the feedback communicated during that important listening process.


In fall 2023, we embarked on a new staff survey, this time including employees from UBC Okanagan, which received a 49% response rate.

We asked many of the same questions, so we could see how we improved since 2019, and we also asked some new demographic questions to help us make more informed decisions related to diversity, equity and inclusion.

In November 2023, we held a half-day session for SHCS leadership and management from both campuses to review and discuss the anonymous results, identify common areas of focus and propose actions to incorporate into the updated People Plan.

Following that session, departmental leaders received their department-specific results and met with their respective teams to identify actions they could take to address any gaps or needs within their department and in support of the SHCS-wide efforts.


The 2024 survey was shorter than in 2019 and 2023, and it focused on particular areas, such as career development and recognition, where we wanted further input to help ensure we’re making effective progress.

This year, we saw a 38% response rate—707 SHCS staff from both campuses.

In November 2024, the Senior Leadership Team met to review and discuss the anonymous responses and successfully identified department-specific next steps to help advance the People Plan in ways that work best for individual departments, rather than SHCS-wide solutions.

Where we’re going

Aligned with and reflecting many aspects of the UBC Focus on People framework, the SHCS People Plan provides a road map for our journey toward a more exceptional workplace.

In SHCS, we strive to develop and nurture an environment where each colleague is valued, supported, and recognized for their distinct contributions. Our aim is to shape a workplace experience that allows every employee to say, without hesitation, that they are proud of the work they do in SHCS and the positive contributions they make to the UBC community.

Three themes

The following three themes, which emerged in 2019, remain consistent with our ongoing survey results and will continue to inform how we develop as an organization and a community.

Create a Shared Vision and Strategic Alignment

Build Connection and Community

Develop and Engage our People

Explore the themes

Together, how will we make our workplace even better?

Progress update—2024

Throughout 2024, we made significant additional progress toward actions identified in the People Plan. Please visit our progress update to find out what we accomplished this past year.

A dynamic and evolving plan

Our work and our workplace is constantly evolving. Similarly, the SHCS People Plan is a dynamic and evolving document, and we will continue to improve, enhance, and modify it to meet emerging needs and respond to changes in our workplace.

Meeting our goals, anticipating emerging needs, and achieving our vision for an exceptional workplace will require the effort and ongoing attention of everyone in SHCS – in addition to a commitment to continuous improvement, feedback, and two-way communication.

To help keep each of you informed, engaged and empowered, SHCS leadership will continue to report regularly on our successes, challenges and progress throughout 2020-2025.

Related plans and initiatives

UBC Strategic Plan

Inspiring people, ideas and actions for a better world.

Core areas and strategies

  • People and places
  • Research excellence
  • Transformative learning
  • Local and global engagement

UBC Focus on People 2025

What will inspire you to work at UBC in 2025?

Catalyst areas

  • I am part of a diverse, inclusive, safe and vibrant workplace
  • I can grow my career
  • I am shaping the future of research, teaching and work
  • I am inspired by diverse leaders who live UBC’s values