On June 15, SHHS hosted the UBC Wedding Venue & Tasting Tour in partnership with Cecil Green Park House and UBC Rose Garden. Wedding planners from around Vancouver toured our majestic venues and sampled exquisite food from Sage and Wescadia.
The tour kicked off at 4 pm at the renowned Cecil Green Park House with hors d’oeuvres, action stations, and the School of Fish food truck. The tour then took our guests to discover UBC Rose Garden, where they enjoyed appetizers and beverages. Planners visited Sage for the final leg of the tour, where they indulged in canapés, cocktails, and sweets in the courtyard, while enjoying the location’s unbeatable vista.
The tour helped to highlight the dramatic venues available for weddings at UBC and the exquisite catering provided by Sage and Wescadia. Bookings have already resulted from this event, and as planners begin to book their 2017 weddings, we expect that UBC will remain a top choice.
Here are some photos from the tour!
(Photos: Sam Pat)